OKE_心得 TOEFL 106分 楊惠雯(台大電信)

TOEFL 106 / 楊惠雯 臺大電信所

[心得] 一戰106分  感恩OKE,讚嘆OKE!
[考試成績] R28 L30 S23 W25



Writing class is a wonderful journey. One of the instructors taught us the basic elements and structure of a high-score TOEFL composition, while another told us how to cook up our ideas and organize the materials and achieve it. These techniques work out not only on the exam but also help a lot on my thesis writing.

Speaking class is always exciting and interesting. Unlike other online lessons, focusing on templates of TOEFL speaking, she taught us the attitude towards English culture (and our life!). Her personality and humor courage us all to speak out loud. Although it’s regretful that I did not get my ideal score, what I have learnt is way beyond it.

Overall, I’m so grateful for this opportunity to participate in this program. Not only I scored an incredibly high score that I would never dream of on TOEFL, but also my general English proficiency has been improved during the classes.
