老師您好 Millennials tend to wed later, if at all 1 暗示: 他們通常都不結緍,如果有結緍,也是晚婚 ?
So few teenage Britons stay on at school, compared with the rest of Europe... 2雖然句子很清楚,可是正式的寫作是不是改成those of the rest of Europe...比 較好?
There are seven ages in a man's life, the poet says, and you can see at least three of them already in George W. Bush's presidency. First came his strange, complicated birth, his narrow esape from a Florida swamp, a President uncertain from the start 3 birth, escape都是事情,但a President是人,不是事情,所以改成a President being uncertain from the start會不會比較好?
4 factual errors 的意思是 ?
It is an axiomatic fact that governments rise and fall on the state of the economy. 5 on 與 it depends on the cost中的on意思相同? 謝謝老師
1 正確,還原為:...if they wed at all. 2 你說的對 3 因為上文有說是presidency,所以第1階段的birth是說他的當選,第2階段的escape是離開佛州州長一職,第3階段就是入主白宮時的身分不定(高爾不承認敗選、向最高法院申請驗票)。a President確實和前面兩個階段不夠對稱,要改的話可以改為being a President... 4 搞錯事實,例如新聞報導中弄錯了時間、誤植了人名之類 5 是
老師您好 Israel's security and abortion are two issues that surpass all human alliances and friendships--even with a President they help elect. 1 even with a President的意思是?
He will now spend ... 2 will now的意思?
Natural phenomena such as solar variations and volcanic activities were a minus, because they occasionally magnified the problem by producing a small warming effect from medieval times to 1950; conversely, from 1950 onward they had a slight cool effect. 3 minus是減項的意思,而minus又有disadvantage的意思,依照上下文來推斷,minus就是小問題的意思?
The unemployed cannot withdraw their labor–they have no power. 4 withdraw their labor的意思是?
Buddhism isn't the only religion plagued by scandals, Sulak notes, pointing to the pedophilia revelations rocking the Catholic Church. But with even prominent abbots involved in debauchery, there is often little the monk police can do. 5 But with的with=despite, 而with前面又加了But,會不會有重復的問題 ? 謝謝老師
1. 考題: "Some of the students felt the book interesting, and others felt it boring." 這句在開頭已經限定住某群學生,為什麼下一句仍然用others?如果後句用others,為什麼不直接Some students felt the book interesting, while others felt it boring.呢?
2. 另個考題正確解答原句: "Some children in the room are singing, and ________ are playing games." (A) others (B) the others 答案是(A) 這句也是,我在句子中看見the room時,就會覺得它有限定範圍,後面就會想用the others,或者, while some are playing games. 考題是想表達房間有人唱歌、有人玩遊戲,但也有人做別的事,而不止兩類人嗎?但那要怎麼解釋不能選the others 這個選項呢?
1 some of the students「這批學生中有些個」;others = other students「另外還有些學生」(尚未結束,可能還有別種學生)。另外,some students「有些學生」(無範圍);others「另外還有些學生」。 2 其實選others與the others都對,意思不同。some children in the room「房間裏有些小孩」;others = other children「還有一些小孩」(尚未結束,可能還有別種小孩」。若選the others = the other children「另外那些小孩」(結束了,指的就是剩下所有小孩,沒有別人了)。
Israel's security and abortion are two issues that surpass all human alliances and friendships--even with a President they help elect. 2 Israel's ... friendships按照字面上的意思:這兩個議題比all human alliances and friendships還重要? 3 with的意思是? 謝謝老師
回覆刪除Millennials tend to wed later, if at all
1 暗示: 他們通常都不結緍,如果有結緍,也是晚婚 ?
So few teenage Britons stay on at school, compared with the rest of Europe...
2雖然句子很清楚,可是正式的寫作是不是改成those of the rest of Europe...比 較好?
There are seven ages in a man's life, the poet says, and you can see at least three of them already in George W. Bush's presidency. First came his strange, complicated birth, his narrow esape from a Florida swamp, a President uncertain from the start
3 birth, escape都是事情,但a President是人,不是事情,所以改成a President being uncertain from the start會不會比較好?
4 factual errors 的意思是 ?
It is an axiomatic fact that governments rise and fall on the state of the economy.
5 on 與 it depends on the cost中的on意思相同?
刪除正確,還原為:...if they wed at all.
因為上文有說是presidency,所以第1階段的birth是說他的當選,第2階段的escape是離開佛州州長一職,第3階段就是入主白宮時的身分不定(高爾不承認敗選、向最高法院申請驗票)。a President確實和前面兩個階段不夠對稱,要改的話可以改為being a President...
回覆刪除Israel's security and abortion are two issues that surpass all human alliances and friendships--even with a President they help elect.
1 even with a President的意思是?
He will now spend ...
2 will now的意思?
Natural phenomena such as solar variations and volcanic activities were a minus, because they occasionally magnified the problem by producing a small warming effect from medieval times to 1950; conversely, from 1950 onward they had a slight cool effect.
3 minus是減項的意思,而minus又有disadvantage的意思,依照上下文來推斷,minus就是小問題的意思?
The unemployed cannot withdraw their labor–they have no power.
4 withdraw their labor的意思是?
Buddhism isn't the only religion plagued by scandals, Sulak notes, pointing to the pedophilia revelations rocking the Catholic Church. But with even prominent abbots involved in debauchery, there is often little the monk police can do.
5 But with的with=despite, 而with前面又加了But,會不會有重復的問題 ?
刪除拜登所以能夠當選,得力於他大力支持以色列、以及明確支持墮胎權。雖然以色列與墮胎這兩項議題(they)幫他當選(helped elect the President),但這些議題悠關全人類,不應有任何私心
plus「正數」、minus「負數」。說natural phenomena是負數,意思是說它會加劇global warming,屬於有害因素(minus)
but with作but since或but because解釋
回覆刪除1. 考題:
"Some of the students felt the book interesting, and others felt it boring."
這句在開頭已經限定住某群學生,為什麼下一句仍然用others?如果後句用others,為什麼不直接Some students felt the book interesting, while others felt it boring.呢?
2. 另個考題正確解答原句:
"Some children in the room are singing, and ________ are playing games."
(A) others (B) the others 答案是(A)
這句也是,我在句子中看見the room時,就會覺得它有限定範圍,後面就會想用the others,或者, while some are playing games.
考題是想表達房間有人唱歌、有人玩遊戲,但也有人做別的事,而不止兩類人嗎?但那要怎麼解釋不能選the others 這個選項呢?
刪除some of the students「這批學生中有些個」;others = other students「另外還有些學生」(尚未結束,可能還有別種學生)。另外,some students「有些學生」(無範圍);others「另外還有些學生」。
其實選others與the others都對,意思不同。some children in the room「房間裏有些小孩」;others = other children「還有一些小孩」(尚未結束,可能還有別種小孩」。若選the others = the other children「另外那些小孩」(結束了,指的就是剩下所有小孩,沒有別人了)。
回覆刪除He will now spend...
1猜測語氣,意思是:他現在可能會... ?
Israel's security and abortion are two issues that surpass all human alliances and friendships--even with a President they help elect.
2 Israel's ... friendships按照字面上的意思:這兩個議題比all human alliances and friendships還重要?
3 with的意思是?
even with「即使有…(也一樣)」